Geeta Pearson



Diumenge 21 de setembre de 2014 - A les 18:00h

     Torna la canadenca Geeta Pearson al konvent. Ja va ser-hi el març i ens va prometre nova gira per europa i aquí la tenim. Amb una veu angelical i una fredor més que abismal, va saber captivar a tot el públic. Molt recomanable:  

Photo crédit@ Méliza Ash
August 8th, Quai des brumes, Montreal,
August 15th, Aces and Eights Saloons,London,U.K with She made me do it and Scant Regard
September 2nd, Loophole, Berlin,Germany with Miss Q
September 4th, Veranderbar, Dresden,Germany with Miss Q
September 5th Dr, Seltsam, Leipzig,Germany with Miss Q
September 6th, Madame Claude, Berlin,Germany with Miss Q 
September 10th, TBC, Warsaw,Poland
September 11th, Nowy Dwór Gdańsk,Poland, with EjPiEj
September 12th,Sztum,Poland with EjPiEj
September 13th, Piwnica Kulturalna,Kwidzyn with EjPiEj
September 19th-20th, TBC, Open air Festival, Barcelona,Spain
September 20th, Miscalenea, Barcelona, Spain with Miss Q
September 21st, Konvent Puntzero, Berga, Spain with Miss Q
September 30th, Mr. Wolfs, Bristol, U.K with Sounds of Harlowe
