1814 MAGAZINE és una publicació semestral i limitada que es centre amb la fotografia, disseny, art i cultura. Una plataforma única per artistes consolidats i emergents.
1814 MAGAZINE is a limited edition, bi annual publication that focuses on photography, design, art, and culture.
1814 MAGAZINE is dedicated to providing a unique platform for established and emerging artists.
1814 MAGAZINE strives to combine the best in both words and images from some of the greatest photographers and artists of the 20th and 21st century. Recent issues have included such celebrated artists as E.O. Hoppe, Massimo Vitali, Eudora Welty, Anton Perich, Donna DeMari, Geof Kern as well as Henry Horenstein, Wang Qinsong, Malerie Marder, Georges Dambier, Hanno Otten, Ralph Mecke, Charles Moriarty, Yves Marchand & Romaine Meffre. Known for its clean gallery type presentation and unusual juxtapositions, 1814 MAGAZINE both mirrors and encourages the evolution of photography, art and culture.
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fotografia superior /charles moriarty
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