forn de la calç
fins mitjan setembre 2011
parlant amb les pedres...
stefan cools, presentació del treball realitzat durant la seva estada al forn de la calç.
l'exposició es conforma a partir de dos elements: una exposició permanent al bosc de cacis i una mostra temporal a l'espai expositiu.
stefan's practice is focused around a peculiar 'meta-science' or 'metaphysical-theory' that takes into consideration the way life systems are interrelated and connected. This includes awareness of the origins of materials, the way objects and products are constructed and the physical and psychological purpose that art serves in the production of meaning.
What is the connection between an ecological paradigm and an artistic product? What is the relationship between the body, ecological and cultural space in this context? What can an artistic outcome communicate in this relationship? The historical development of the natural sciences has been to formally investigate disparate areas of study.
Això ja ho feia la cubana Ana Mendieta antes que se la carreguessin els del carter!