burning man !! RADICALMENTPUR

black rock
estats units
del 30 d'agost al 6 de setembre
Burning Man is much more than just a temporary community. It's a city in the desert, dedicated to radical self reliance, radical self-expression and art. Innovative sculpture, installations, performance, theme camps, art cars and costumes all flower from the playa and spread to our communities and back again. In this section you will learn what you need to know about creating art for the playa, find out all about this year’s art installations, read essays about Burning Man and art from both staff and participants, and revisit some past off-playa art events and exhibitions.
Our mission is to promote and support interactive public art, even beyond our event. The Black Rock Arts Foundation has been established for that purpose, and focuses on community art at our regional events
Los organizadores del festival lo describen como un experimento en comunidad, de autoexpresión y autosuficiencia radical. El nombre del evento está tomado del ritual que consiste en quemar una gigantesca escultura de madera con forma de hombre durante la noche del sábado (sexto y último día de celebración).
